
What is the hierarchy of operational controls and how are they applied?

To avoid accidents in their facilities, companies implement standards for the prevention or control of fatalities through procedures led by managers, who have the obligation to approve, communicate, and monitor strict compliance to their work team. To eliminate or keep risks at bay, there is a hierarchy of operational controls which, in occupational safety and…

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Meet The Team: Anuradha Ravindranath

Anuradha Ravindranath has recently joined Datamine team in Brisbane as a Software Engineer for MineMarket. She has more than 7 years of experience in the IT industry. Get to know Anuradha a little better through the interview below: Can you tell us a bit about yourself? I was born and raised in Bangalore, India. After…

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5 benefícios comerciais do ESG

Digite ESG na função de pesquisa do LinkedIn e isso sugere que há mais de 321.000 pessoas que têm essas três pequenas letras anexadas aos seus perfis.  Somando-se a uma longa linha de sempre temidos acrônimos de diretoria, ESG é a abreviação de Ambiental, Social, Governança e evoluiu a partir do impulso Triplo P (Pessoas,…

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5 business benefits of ESG

Type ESG into the search function of LinkedIn and it suggests there are more than 321,000 people who have those three little letters attached to their profiles.  Adding to a long line of ever-dreaded boardroom acronyms, ESG is short for Environmental, Social, Governance, and has evolved from the Triple P (People, Profit and Planet) push…

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Gestión de riesgos: nos equivocamos

Esa Immonen, VP Customer Experience – Datamine “Risk”. How much does the semantic loading in that single word limit our potential? Does the language of risk management create an inherent bias in the systems we implement, the tests we run, the data we collect and the actions we take? The dictionary defines risk, the noun,…

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