
Como 3 desafios ESG podem ser oportunidades em suas operações de mineração

Datamine, agosto de 2022  Após três anos desafiadores com a pandemia do COVID-19, 2022 está provando ser outro ano desafiador para as empresas de mineração.  Este ano, o setor continua a ver perturbações constantes, com interrupções contínuas da cadeia de fornecimento, riscos geopolíticos em mudança e a crescente voz social das comunidades e dos investidores.  …

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How 3 ESG challenges can be opportunities in your mining operations

Following a challenging three years with the COVID-19 pandemic, 2022 is proving to be another challenging year for mining businesses. This year the industry continues to see ongoing disruptions, with continued supply chain interruptions, changing geopolitical risk and the increasing social voice of communities and investors. Mining businesses are assessing their operations to determine where…

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Minemax Scheduler 7.3.3 with Custom Visualisation Released

Minemax is pleased to announce the release of Minemax Scheduler 7.3.3 with Custom Visualisation. This version includes several functionality enhancements that allow strategic mine planners to accomplish more than ever before in the software. “Version 7.3.3 includes a range of great new features that our customers have been asking for.  We look forward to how…

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Meet the Team: Odette Aspeling

As we wrap up women’s month in South Africa, we interviewed Odette Aspeling, Fusion Team Lead, certified scuba diver and proud mom of 7 fur babies who has been part of the Datamine family for more than 22 years. Learn about Odette’s journey as women in the mining industry in the interview below: Can you…

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Meet The Team: Solomon Gumbie

Meet Solomon Gumbie, Datamine Africa Studio Mapper Business Lead. Solomon is a farming enthusiast with a love for nature and has been in the Datamine family for over 12 years. Get to know Solomon a little better through the interview below: Can you tell us a bit about yourself? I live in the small quiet…

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