
Meet The Team: Jamieson Woolcock

Jamieson Woolcock has recently started at the Datamine Perth office as a geology consultant and comes from a background of Gold exploration and open pit mining in the Western Australian Southern Goldfields. Get to know Jamieson a little better through the interview below: Can you tell us a bit about yourself? I’m a Geologist with…

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Работают ли ваши команды майнеров над одной и той же целью?

Компания Datamine постоянно ищет новые способы оптимизации технологических процессов в горнодобывающей отрасли.     По мере роста интенсивности условий VUCA (Volatile (неустойчивость), Uncertain (неопределенность), Complex(сложности)and Ambiguous (неоднозначность), влияющих на нашу отрасль в последние годы, мы наблюдаем:   увеличение нестабильности в цепочках поставок   рост неопределенности в отношении геополитических рисков   повышенная сложность рудных тел   сохранение неопределенности в области соблюдения требований…

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Suas equipes de mineração estão trabalhando em conjunto para o mesmo objetivo?

A Datamine está continuamente explorando formas de otimizar os processos na cadeia de valor da mineração.  Com a crescente intensificação das condições VUCA (acrônimo em inglês para Voláteis, Incertas, Complexas e Ambíguas) que impactaram nossa indústria durante os últimos anos, observamos:  crescimento da Volatilidade nas cadeias de supply chain  aumento da Incerteza devido a riscos geopolíticos …

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¿Sus equipos de minería están trabajando hacia el mismo objetivo?

Datamine explora) continuamente (maneras) de optimizar los procesos dentro de la cadena de valor de la minería.   Con la creciente intensidad de condiciones volátiles, inciertas, complejas y ambiguas (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous; VUCA) queimpactan a nuestra industria en los últimos años, observamos lo siguiente:  el aumento de la volatilidad con las cadenas de…

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Are your mining teams working towards the same goal?

Datamine is continually exploring ways to optimise processes within the mining value chain.    With the rising intensity of VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous) conditions impacting our industry in recent years, we observe:  Deciding on where to start to bring control and stability back to your business and operational sites can be complicated and confusing. …

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How to include ESG KPIs in your business strategy

KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) are essential parameters for monitoring the achievement of goals and the evolution of the performance of any organisation. They are instruments used to monitor the company’s performance as well as achieving success and growth in a sustainable manner. In this article we will discuss ESG metrics or KPIs to exemplify how…

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