
Transformação digital na mineração: desafios no setor

A chegada da COVID-19 trouxe novos desafios ao ambiente de trabalho e não deixou de fora o setor de mineração global, levando as empresas e toda a indústria de mineração a trabalhar na construção de uma ampla transformação digital.  A DATAMINE apresenta alguns dos aspectos resultantes mais importantes deste ano, para que as organizações possam se…

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Digital transformation in mining: challenges across the industry

The arrival of COVID-19 brought new challenges to the working environment and has not bypassed the global mining sector, driving companies and the entire mining industry to work on building an extensive digital transformation.  At Datamine, we bring you some of the most important aspects that will come hand in hand this year, so that organisations…

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Meet the Team: Israel Garcia

Meet Israel Garcia who has recently joined Datamine Australia as the Enterprise Solutions Manager. Israel is a high performing, results generation professional Sales Executive with over 22 years of high-end business to business solution-based sales experience among various industries including telecommunications and mining industry. Get to know Israel a little better through the interview below:…

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Информационный бюллетень компании Datamine – 2/2022

Snowden Optiro Reconcilor Празднует 20 Лет! В 2002 году компания Snowden сотрудничала с Newcrest Mining, чтобы создать лидирующий отраслевой пакет программного обеспечения для сопоставления материалов. Спустя 20 лет Reconcilor признан во всем мире эталоном в области сопоставления металлов по всей цепочке добычи полезных ископаемых. Посмотреть видео → Перезапуск Snowden Optiro в Северной и Южной Америке За…

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Datamine Newsletter 2/2022

Snowden Optiro Reconcilor Celebrates 20 Years! In 2002, Snowden collaborated with Newcrest Mining to create an industry defining reconciliation software package. 20 years on, Reconcilor is now recognised globally as the industry benchmark for metal reconciliation across the entire mine value mining chain. Watch video → Relaunch of Snowden Optiro Activities in the Americas Over the last two…

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Boletim Datamine 2/2022

Snowden Optiro Reconcilor Comemora 20 Anos! Em 2002, Snowden colaborou com a Newcrest Mining para criar um pacote de software de reconciliação que define o setor. 20 anos depois, o Reconcilor agora é reconhecido globalmente como a referência do setor para reconciliação de metais em toda a cadeia de mineração de valor da mina. Assistir Vídeo → Relançamento…

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